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Tag 'spray tan'

Is it safe to self-tan whilst pregnant?

When you're pregnant, your skin can change in all sorts of unprecedented ways. It's no wonder that many mums-to-be want to give their skin a little boost with a bit of self-tan, but is it safe to use when you're pregnant? As there's a lot of conflicting information out there on the internet, our experts at Fresh Indulgence have created this blog post in an attempt to answer this question.

Bottle or bed? 3 reasons spray tanning is healthier than sun exposure

Bottle or bed? 3 reasons spray tanning is healthier than sun exposure

Tanning is an undeniably popular business, with most of us wanting a lit-from-within, golden holiday glow throughout the year. If you live in the UK, however, you'll know that it isn’t always possible to get a healthy colour on our rainy little island. When the sun does come out, it's not a good idea to sit in it all day and expose yourself to potentially harmful UV rays.

Common mistakes when applying fake tan

Common mistakes when applying fake tan

When it comes to giving yourself a fresh fake tan at home, it can take a few times to get it right. Whether you are spray tanning before a holiday or want a natural day-to-day glow, the most important thing is to prepare your skin in advance and take your time when applying.

Tips for spray tanning sensitive skin

Tips for spray tanning sensitive skin

Having a sensitive complexion can be a significant risk factor for skin cancer, and being out in the sun can heighten the chances you suffer severe damage. Instead of hoping for a little colour and rolling the dice regarding your health, a spray tan is an excellent option.

Brighten up your dull winter days with a spray tan

Brighten up your dull winter days with a spray tan

There’s no doubt about it, the cold winter months definitely have an impact on our mood and can even lead to a feeling of depression - due to the reduced level of sunlight. 

Makeup tips to highlight your tan

Makeup tips to highlight your tan

We all love to get a great glow. After summer ends, it can be harder to come by that healthy post-holiday look naturally and healthily. This year more than ever, you maybe haven’t had a chance to jet off and get your usual summer skin. 

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