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Tag 'Pregnancy'

Is it safe to self-tan whilst pregnant?

When you're pregnant, your skin can change in all sorts of unprecedented ways. It's no wonder that many mums-to-be want to give their skin a little boost with a bit of self-tan, but is it safe to use when you're pregnant? As there's a lot of conflicting information out there on the internet, our experts at Fresh Indulgence have created this blog post in an attempt to answer this question.

Spray tanning while pregnant

Spray tanning while pregnant

Once you've battled the excitement and nausea of those first few weeks of pregnancy, one of the many questions you might need answers to is "Can I use fake tan while I'm pregnant?". There's a wealth of advice available regarding spray tanning while pregnant - and we'd always recommend following that of the NHS or other reputable healthcare providers.

Is self tanner safe while pregnant?

Is self tanner safe while pregnant?

We all aspire to have that healthy pregnancy glow – or just that glow in general – but it’s not always a natural occurrence. And while there are ways to ensure your skin is always radiant, being pregnant means you might not be able to get a spray tan in the way that you used to.

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